Ralph Dagleish’s family tree


I am indebted to Christopher Dagleish (1941-2007) for a lot of the information I have about Ralph Dagleish’s ancestors, especially on his mother’s side earlier than 200 years ago.  There is too much to display in one tree diagram, the writing would be too small, so I’ve split it into several. 



Scroll down for information about Ralph’s siblings and children


Click on the following links to find out more:

expbul1a  Ann Elizabeth Judge’s relatives

expbul1a  Fredrick William Judge’s family tree

expbul1a  Ann Hoggarth’s family tree

expbul1a  Jane McAllister’s family

expbul1a  Table of census return data for Ralph Dagleish’s family tree

expbul1a  Bigger images of the people above

expbul1a  The family in Hartlepool

expbul1a  The family in Whitby

expbul1a  The family in Berwick

expbul1a  History of the Dagleish name


Many thanks to his eldest son, Ralph jnr who has provided most of the following information about Ralph:

expbul1a  He attended St Charles’ school in Pryme Street, Hull, which has since been rebuilt in a different street.

*      1914-18:  After leaving St. Charles' School at age 14 he was apprenticed as ship’s plater at the Earl’s Shipbuilding and repair yard in Hull. The yard closed down when or shortly after Dad completed his apprenticeship. 

*      1920s and 30s:  While he was unemployed he attended the Art College in Hull and during this time his artistic skills were good enough to paint a large mural at the top of the first flight of the main staircase. Presumably a student exercise removed long ago.  He skill is demonstrated in the images below.  He became conductor on Hull Trams then a driver and later Bus driver. At some point during this period he met Margaret Berry and they married in 1926. 

Ralphs 1967 portrait of daughter Mary

Mary with Teresa

Ralph’s portrait of his daughter Mary, 1967

For comparison Mary (with daughter Teresa) 1965

*      1939-45  Dad was  called back to his trade within a few weeks after the outbreak of the 2nd World War. He worked all hours often being called back to work at 7 or 8 pm having finished for the day at 5 pm.  He took me (Ralph jnr) all round the destroyer ONSLOW when it was undergoing repairs after being hit by an 8 inch shell during one of the Murmansk convoys taking munitions to Russia. The ship lost 80 sailors killed and wounded (about one third of its complement).  Despite all the long hours dad was also called up into the Home Guard and served in an anti-aircraft rocket company.

*      1945 to retirement.  Dad remained in the ship repairing business with Brigham & Cowan Ltd.  His later years were less arduous as he spent most working days with the Superintendent of the Ellerman Wilson Line and the Lloyds Surveyor inspecting and planning repairs to the Ellerman Ships.  Dad's foreman at Brighams told me that Dad knew more about ship repairing than anyone else in Hull. 

*   On one occasion when his children were young and the Jehovah’s Witnesses called at the door he invited them in and gave them a right grilling with lots of awkward questions.


My memories of my grandad revolve around our visits to 48 Compass Road in the 1970s.  Grandad used to like to keep a low profile and sat quietly in his chair, always with a packet of polo mints on the arm of the chair.  I’d hang around eyeing up the mints until he offered me one.  I get the impression he felt a bit uncomfortable with us around.  Perhaps children were a bit much for him in his old age after having raised so many!!


Ralph’s children


Margaret Josie John Mary Teresa Kathleen Paul Dagleish 1948

Margaret, Josie, John, Mary, Teresa, Kathleen, Paul (1948), unfortunately Ralph isn’t in the picture, he is shown to the right.

The images below, taken at the Dagleish household in Brindley Street, Hull, has been identified by Ralph jnr (individual number 7) as most likely being a celebration of John and Ann Dagleish’s diamond wedding anniversary in 1958.  It was Ralph who took the photos.

Dagleish family do mid 50s

1950s family do sillouette web ready



Margaret Dagleish


Mary Dagleish nee Sweeney (Mrs Ralph jnr)




Freda Parkin nee Dagleish


Helena Dagleish nee Chapman (Mrs Ralph snr)




Peter Brewster


Paul Dagleish




Teresa Dagleish


Ann Dagliesh nee Judge (Mrs John)




Ralph Dagleish b.1900


John Dagleish




Josie Dagleish


Mary Dagleish




Ralph Dagleish b.1927


Kathleen Dagleish




Ralph’s siblings


More on John Dagleish born 1898 aka Jack and later Brother Bonaventure

More on Florence Margaret Dagleish born 1910


Florence & Freda Dagleish

Florence Freda & Peter Dagleish Hull 1915

Florence and Freda

Florence, Freda and Peter


Ralph is buried in Chanterlands Ave cemetery in a family plot with both his wives and the 5th child from each marriage who both died in infancy. 


Grandma's headstone 2


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